Adults Guitar Lessons

Don't Struggle to Play the Guitar

— Did you just pick up the guitar but are unsure where to start?

— Have you been playing for years but have stopped making progress?

Most people think that if they just spend more time playing the guitar, they’ll get better. Very often, this is not the case. You can dump hours and hours into the guitar and not get any better if you’re not doing it right.

Since 2013, The School of Guitar has been helping students produce meaningful results on the guitar. Whether you simply want to play the songs you love or you want to play at a more advanced level, we have the strategies to get you there!

We have helped past students play the guitar how they want to by using a special teaching methodology and a curriculum we’ve put together with 80,000 hours of feedback and a thousand students.

Josh (3-year-student) – “There was a very clear and concise lesson plan that I felt comfortable with and felt it was going to help me reach my goals, and so far it has.”

What makes the School Of Guitar different from online instructions

There is a ton of information online; some of it is great, and some of it is not so great. This leads students to information overload; they can’t figure out who to listen to. Often getting different views of what works and what doesn’t.

 The second challenge of learning guitar online is the lack of feedback. Online teachers can’t tell you how to improve your results – they can’t see you play. They can’t see your bad habits, so they can’t help you resolve them.

Third, online teachers don’t always give the best advice. Teaching online is all the rage right now, but many online teachers have little experience working in person with students.

They receive no feedback from the advise they give, they don’t know what works for students because they never see the end result. It’s hard to improve your teaching program with no feedback.

Online guitar lessons are not great for beginners and intermediate level players. You need your fundamentals together first, that way you can separate the good information from the bad. If you take guitar lessons in Buffalo with the School of Guitar, you will get access to the curriculum that will help you get your fundamentals together.

Gabriela (2 -year-student) – “I didn’t expect how easy it was to get in a routine and see progress. I was expecting to be overwhelmed”

What makes the School of Guitar different from other music schools

Most Schools that offer guitar lessons in Buffalo work with contractors. One person owns the business and rents out rooms to teachers. The owner has no say over what or how their teachers teach; in many cases, they don’t even know what the teachers teach.

This makes quality control impossible. Many of these teachers also have no training or very few years of experience, meaning new teachers have no idea what they’re doing. Don’t be someone’s guinea pig.

If you decide to take guitar lessons in Buffalo at the School of Guitar, you can rest easy that each teacher can get you results.

All teachers are trained to know the curriculum like the back of their hand. The curriculum is designed to take any student from beginner to early advanced. Each teacher will have their specialties, but they all know the curriculum.

If you take guitar lesson in Buffalo at the School of Rock, Guitar Center, etc – you don’t know what you’re going to get. At the School Of Guitar, you will have a congruent and consistent experience that is high quality no matter who you work with.

Learn from teachers, not musicians who teach on the side to make ends meet.

Kirsten (3 -year-student) – “I was surprised how much I have gotten better. I really like Chris’ course..It’s really structured well.”


Benefits of taking guitar lessons in Buffalo with the School of Guitar

Learn to play the songs you love with friends, family, or for personal enjoyment

Learn the techniques and movements you need to play guitar and never get stuck in a rut again

Take lessons from teachers – not musicians who teach on the side

Save money and time by reaching your goals faster with our tested methodology and curriculum

Meet other folk who also like playing guitar

Take advantage of our school showcases to work yourself up to playing in a band

Learn to play with others in a supportive environment to break out of being a bedroom warrior

Andy (1 -year-student) – “What surprised me about the school was how well the curriculum was organized. I was an instructor in education for 30 years, so I know what a good lesson plan looks like.



The curriculum we’ve designed isn’t a one-size- fits-all, cookie-cutter program. It’s not focused on special songs or genres. It’s focused on skillsets that we believe are required to become competent guitar players.

There are some steps you need to follow in certain orders, but the system itself is very flexible —you should be able to get what you want from it. It is a loose structure.

Here’s the Professional Opinion of our head teacher ( Chris Glyde) on this matter:

Most people can learn the guitar regardless of age; I’ve seen many successful students start in their 70s. That being said, a small percentage of folks over the age of 60 (I’d say 5% or so) will be limited in how far they can go on the guitar.

There are a wide variety of factors to this, including genetics, career choice, when you last learned something new, and the flexibility of your fingers… but most of these can be overcome with time.

The real challenge for that small percentage is cognitive decline. If the decline is strong enough in an individual, it can be limiting.

Again, this is not the case for most people, though. If you’re older and want to learn. I would focus on getting some flexibility back in your fingers. The easier you can curl your fingers, the easier the beginning of the guitar will be.

This is my opinion; others may disagree with me. If you are concerned, feel free to seek a second opinion.

We don’t travel to people, and we don’t have any online options at this point. However,
we are proud to support anyone who wants guitar lessons in Buffalo and the surrounding areas.

We also have a sister location in Rochester, New York, which is the original flagship location. If you live closer to Rochester, feel free to use that location.

We don’t expect you to practice an hour a day to get great results. If you’re inclined to do so, great, but most people don’t have the time to do that.

We also offer several different programs, each with different expectations for practice outside of school.

When it comes down to it, we don’t have a flat expectation or recommendation. It is very dependent on the person and program they’re taking. If this concerns you, I would  discuss it with the teacher you’re working with.

Many people have opinions on how they should learn and what works best for them.
However, if you’re coming here, please put that to the side when you walk through the door.

You’re here to get results, and we’re here to show you how to get that done.

We encourage students to ask questions and don’t expect that you take our word for everything. We do expect that you will be willing to test it.

We have yet to have a student return and tell us what we taught them was not worth the time.

Bob Philips (4 -year-student) – “I went from not knowing what the strings were, to now being able to play the songs I love… I really like how format of the lessons work and the great staff
